Benefits of Giving Up Sugar


5 Common Benefits of Going No Sugar (and how to be successful!)

When George Washington became President in the late 1700s, the average American consumed about 6 pounds of sugar per year. Currently, the average American consumes 130 pounds of sugar and sweeteners every year. On average, people consume about 22 times more sugar than the average person did over 200 years ago. The concern surrounding high-sugar diets is that sugar can be psychologically seductive while potentially harming you at the same time, both in your body and your mind. Food can be very emotional, and sugar is not much different in how it appeals to our emotions and makes us crave more. However, it’s not an easy task, there are some measurable benefits to reducing sugar.

Consuming 130 pounds of sugar in a year is concerning. While food choices share a decent portion of the sugar concerns, food manufacturers should try to shoulder the burden of blame as well. Those cleverly hidden sugars exist in far too many food options – and most of the time, we don’t often realize those hidden sugars are there. Besides, all those sneaky sugar synonyms – such as agave nectar or cane juice – that food manufacturers use on their labels are most likely intended to trick people into thinking they’re eating something healthy.

Our society is dominated by sweet indulgences for every holiday, special occasion, and theme day imaginable. January has 12 dessert-themed days, while the short month of February has 18 sweetened days of observance. It’s difficult to escape the constant influx of sugar temptation but could be worth the sacrifice. From energy levels to mental clarity, the potential benefits of reducing sugar extend far beyond the scale.

Is Sugar Addictive?

Excessive sugar consumption can cause many of the same health problems as excessive alcohol consumption. Elevated sugar intake may not only contribute to the rapidly growing rate of diabetes, but can also lead to cardiovascular disease, disruption of the intestinal barrier, and other long-term health concerns as well.

High-sugar diets can, over a long period of time, contribute to insulin resistance and other obesity-related concerns. Giving up sugar – or even reducing it – is so difficult because sugar can actually be addictive to the brain. Several studies have confirmed the fact that the brain perceives sugar and sweetness as more rewarding than cocaine. Furthermore, many people experience some difficulty in controlling their consumption of sugary foods because of the constant exposure to sweets. Despite our best efforts to take care of this problem through our choices, those sneaky hidden sugars may keep us even more addicted.

Some people think of limiting sugar intake as a thousand-mile journey, but the same wisdom of Confucius applies to your health: The journey towards health restoration begins with small, impactful changes. If you find yourself struggling, take comfort in the fact that you’re not alone. In reality, our minds work against us when breaking an addictive habit.

Taking 30 days to cut sugars from your diet – 30 days of diligence, patience, and knowledgeable label-deciphering – is a highly effective way to reset the body and may have some long-term benefits. Each year, The Wellness Way participates in a month-long No Sugar Challenge with many excited participants. You’ll likely begin to notice some positive changes within a short time of giving up sugar. The first few weeks can be challenging, but the benefits of reducing your sugar consumption might be worth the climb.

5 Benefits of Reducing or Giving up Sugar

1 – Energy Returns

Many people experience more energy after getting off a high-sugar diet. Your thinking may become much clearer, and your memory can seem even sharper. In recent years, scientists have been studying the changes in the size of the brain in elderly patients with elevated sugar levels. They realized that sugar may actually shrink your brain over time and could potentially contribute to significant memory loss.

Limiting or giving up sugar completely could significantly increase energy as your brain detoxes from needing certain amounts of sugar every day. After this detox, the brain might be able to focus more efficiently on healthier processes to restore energy. When sugar is reduced or eliminated from your diet, you may find yourself waking up each day feeling more and more refreshed: Your body is finally getting the productive, restorative sleep it needs to sustain your energy level throughout your day.

2 – Reduced Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety

Sugar may provide temporary comfort. Over long periods of time, sugar can be inflammatory rather than comforting, and it likely won’t make anyone happier overall. In fact, some of the inflammation caused by excessive sugar consumption may contribute to some symptoms of anxiety and depression – or could potentially make these symptoms worse.

Sugar may contribute to a spike in cortisol levels. This spike, combined with an imbalance in gut bacteria, can worsen existing mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. For women, consuming foods with a high glycemic index increased their risk of depression while weakening their body’s ability to handle stress.

Similarly, men who consumed more than 67 grams of sugar per day were more likely to develop symptoms of depression compared to those consuming less than 40 grams of sugar every day. Many study participants – both men and women – reported significantly positive effects to their mental health symptoms after restricting sugar in their diets.

3 – Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy Weight is More Attainable

There are many roadblocks to reaching one’s goal weight and maintaining that goal weight. However, excessive sugar is possibly one of the most potentially damaging to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight because sugar affects every system of the body. Sugar not only contains empty calories that can lead to weight gain. It also may contribute to insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance, and appetite signal disruptions that may interfere with your ability to maintain a healthy weight.

Excess sugar can disrupt the healthy functioning of hormones, potentially increasing hunger and cravings when your body isn’t hungry. These powerful psychological changes can produce a ripple of physical effects extending far beyond the reach of traditional weight management methods, such as cutting calories and getting regular exercise. These hormonal, adrenal, and neurological changes can make weight loss feel impossible. When you successfully detox the body from sugar, achieving a healthy weight might be a much more realistic possibility.

4- Brighter Smile and Better Breath

Your spouses will appreciate your sacrifice! Sugar can promote the growth of bacteria on your tongue that contribute to halitosis, which is the clinical term for bad breath. Removing sugar from your diet has been linked to a drastic decrease in bacteria.

Excess sugar also decreases the strength and brightness of your sparkly smile, contributing to the growth of enamel-eroding bacteria that thrive on sugars and refined carbohydrates. Reducing daily sugar intake can decrease tooth decay and bacteria growth when combined with brushing and flossing twice a day.

5 – Cleared Acne and Glowing Skin

Seeking the fountain of youth? Remove those inflammatory, wrinkle-inducing sugars from your diet. Diets that are high in sugar could age skin through a process called glycation – which occurs when collagen and elastin production is affected – which may contribute to a quicker development of wrinkles. By limiting sugar, you can allow your skin to slow down the aging process for a more vibrant look.

Sugar can be very inflammatory. The inflammation caused by too many sugars in your diet can make the body more prone to developing acne and potentially other skin conditions. Limiting the daily intake of sugar may cause benefits that you will be able to see on your face!

Nourish your skin from within by eating a nutrient-rich diet. Drink plenty of clean water and load up on antioxidant-rich foods, healthy fats, and other skin-loving nutrients that can support collagen production and elasticity. Your complexion will likely show its gratitude with a more youthful glow.

Tips for Successfully Reducing Sugar Intake

Reducing sugar consumption has several other positive long-term effects for your health, but one thing to keep in mind is that it isn’t easy. You can ease into it with little steps at a time by taking away sugary foods and carbohydrates one-by-one at your own comfortable pace. If you prefer to get it all done in one swift motion, you may want to do a 30-day No-Sugar challenge to force your body and mind to give up those sugars and processed foods. A no-sugar detox might be uncomfortable for a while before some of the physical effects are felt. In your own way, you can train your body to adapt to a healthier environment. Here are a few tips to help you get through a no-sugar detox.

It’s Not a Quick Fix: Expect Some Discomfort at First

You should expect to feel one or more of the following uncomfortable symptoms within the first few days to a week or longer after giving up sugar:

  • Weakness
  • Headaches
  • Sleeplessness
  • Fatigue
  • Cravings
  • Mood changes

Knowing this doesn’t change how uncomfortable it can be, but it could ease your mind to know that it’s normal. Everybody is different, and our bodies detox from sugar in their own unique way. Avoid the temptation to compare yourself to other people who have gone through a similar detox. Their experience might be different from yours.

Practice Self-Care and Reflection

During this time, be kind to yourself. Take the time to care for your mental and emotional health because the discomfort can be difficult to push through. Feeding your mind and emotions could be crucial as you struggle to not give in to your body’s cravings. Self-care could mean a massage, lounging in a sauna, meditation, painting, sketching, or journaling. Food is very emotional, and going through a detox can also be very emotional. Allow yourself the time and patience to work through those feelings.

Drain The Lymphatics

Getting a massage is not only beneficial for self-care, but also supports lymphatic drainage. This process is vital as your body detoxes from sugar. As you remove sugars from your diet, the body starts breaking down fat from the liver: This means toxins will also circulate in your bloodstream. It’s essential to keep things moving to help remove those toxins from your bloodstream, which is why massage is beneficial during this time for your self-care and your sugar detox. However, standing on a vibe plate or doing light exercises like walking or yoga can also help drain the lymphatic system.

Be sure to stay adequately hydrated throughout your sugar detox – especially when getting a massage and spending time in a sauna. Hydration could alleviate those sugar cravings, too!

Make it a Group Effort

Enjoy the journey. It won’t be easy, but you can find ways to make the process a little more enjoyable. Detoxing from sugar together with the support of coworkers, a group of friends, or your family can make the whole process much more enjoyable. We all need someone to rely on and turn to for emotional support during challenging times.

Enjoy the “Sweeter” Life

People of all ages consume more sugar than they intend to, and most of them don’t even realize it. Read your labels carefully and start limiting your daily sugar intake through the method that’s comfortable for you. Just because the average American eats 130 pounds of sugar a year doesn’t mean you need to accept it as an inevitability. Outsmart those food manufacturers slipping sugars under sneaky names and start taking back the control over your own health. Enjoy the first step of your journey towards a sweeter life without needing sugar.

Ready to kick the sugar addiction? Join our No Sugar Challenge and embark on a journey to better health! Get your No Sugar Guidelines for tips & tricks, recipes, supplements, & more!

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