General Tips for Exercising with Your Cycle

Exercising with Your Menstrual Cycle: Harnessing YourHormones for Better Workouts


Understanding how your menstrual cycle impacts your body can unlock a new level of fitness and self-awareness. Instead of pushing through workouts that might feel impossible during certain phases of your cycle, you can tailor your exercise routine to align with your hormonal fluctuations. Here’s how to exercise effectively with your menstrual cycle and optimize your physical and mental well-being.

Week 1: Menstrual Phase

The first week of your cycle begins with menstruation. During this time, hormone levels (estrogen and progesterone) are at their lowest, which can leave you feeling tired and less motivated. This is the time to focus on bringing oxygen into the smooth muscles such as your uterus to release the endometrial lining and support recovery. Too much intense exercise can cause hormone depletion.
Best Types of Exercise:
  • Stretching: Gentle stretches can ease cramps, improve flexibility, and promote
    circulation. Stretching your lower back and hips may be particularly helpful for menstrual discomfort.
  • Light Yoga: Restorative poses such as child’s pose, cat-cow, and reclined twists are excellent for relaxation and pain relief.
  • Vibration Plate Exercises: Short, low-intensity sessions on a vibe plate can enhance circulation and reduce muscle tension without overexerting yourself.
  • Prioritize rest and recovery if your body signals the need.
  • Low impact movement. Walking, stretching, and yoga will benefit you the most during the menstrual phase.
  • Take a nap instead of a workout. Give yourself permission to rest. The menstrual phase is for restoration and rejuvenation for the coming month.
  • Practice deep breathing techniques to reduce stress and improve oxygen flow.
  • Focus on hydration and warming foods rich in protein, fats, and iron to replenish lost nutrients, support your brain, and stabilize your mood

Week 2: Follicular Phase

As you move into the follicular phase, rising estrogen levels give you increased energy, improved endurance, and heightened motivation. This phase is the perfect time for highintensity workouts and detoxification efforts.
Best Types of Exercise:
  • High-Intensity Workouts: Engage in HIIT, circuit training, or interval sprints to maximize fat burning and cardiovascular fitness.
  • Strength Training: Take advantage of your body’s ability to build and recover muscle by incorporating heavy lifts and resistance exercises.
  • Detox-Friendly Activities: Activities that promote sweating, such as hot yoga or sauna sessions, can support the body’s natural detoxification processes.
  • Use this phase to set challenging fitness goals and experiment with new workout routines.
  • Your metabolism is primed for fat loss, making this an ideal time to focus on weight management.
  • Enhanced stress resilience means you can take on more demanding mental and physical challenges.
  • Incorporate plenty of leafy greens and antioxidant-rich foods to complement your body’s detox efforts.

Week 3: Ovulatory Phase

The ovulatory and early luteal phases mark a shift in your hormonal balance. As progesterone rises, you will want to avoid stressors by slowing down and reducing intensity.
Best Types of Exercise:
  • Walking: Enjoy brisk walks in nature or on a treadmill to maintain movement without stressing your body.
  • Vibration Plate Exercises: Gentle sessions help maintain muscle tone and circulation.
  • Light Yoga: Focus on flexibility and mindfulness with flows that emphasize relaxation and balance, such as yin yoga.
  • Keep your heart rate moderate and avoid workouts that feel overly taxing.
  • Incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation or journaling to reduce stress.
  • Prioritize sleep and relaxation to support your body’s natural rhythms during this phase.
  • Opt for nutrient-dense foods rich in magnesium, B vitamins, and fiber to counteract potential fatigue.
  • Avoid eating too much sugar during this phase because it may cause your surging estrogens to go to far and make you vulnerable to symptoms of excess estrogens.

Week 4: Luteal Phase

In the late luteal phase, your body prepares for menstruation. While PMS symptoms might make you feel sluggish, this phase often comes with a boost in energy and even libido due to estrogens and testosterone being at their peak, making it a great time for high-intensity workouts.
Best Types of Exercise:
  • High-Intensity Workouts: Channel premenstrual energy into activities like sprint intervals, intense cardio sessions, or dynamic strength training.
  • Strength Training: Focus on building endurance with supersets or pyramid-style workouts.
  • Functional Fitness: Engage in compound movements such as deadlifts, squats, and kettlebell swings to prepare your body for the menstrual week.
  • Balance intense workouts with proper recovery techniques, such as foam rolling and stretching.
  • Be mindful of any PMS-related fatigue or discomfort, and scale back if necessary.
  • Maintain hydration and focus on anti-inflammatory foods like fatty fish, nuts, and turmeric to ease bloating and cramps.
  • Use this phase to refine your workout habits and mentally prepare for the upcoming menstrual phase.

General Tips for Exercising with Your Cycle

  • Track Your Cycle: Use a menstrual tracking app like Natural Cycles to monitor your phases and plan workouts accordingly. (Use Code: THEWELLNESSWAY for 15% off + a FREE thermometer!)
  • Adjust Intensity: Scale your workout intensity to match your energy levels, prioritizing consistency over perfection.
  • Stay Flexible: Hormonal shifts can vary from cycle to cycle, so adapt as needed to maintain balance.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to signals like fatigue, pain, or unusual symptoms, and don’t hesitate to rest when necessary.
  • Fuel Your Workouts: Hormonal changes affect metabolism, so tailor your nutrition with a focus on protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to support energy and recovery.
  • Test Your Hormones: Understanding how to best exercise with your cycle involves understanding your hormonal patterns. We often utilize a DUTCH Test to look at hormone metabolism, cortisol patterns, and liver health. This tool is great for determining how to best work with your hormones!
General Tips for Exercising with Your Cycle

SPECIAL OFFER: DUTCH Test Coming February 20th!

This month, we’re offering a special on our DUTCH Complete hormone test for those who book their New Patient Appointment by February 28th. Stay tuned for details on this exciting opportunity to gain deeper insights into your hormone health!

Exercising with your menstrual cycle isn’t about limitations—it’s about alignment. By working with your body rather than against it, you can achieve more effective workouts, better recovery, and a deeper connection to your overall health. Everybody is unique, so embrace your cycle’s natural rhythms and celebrate the strength it brings to your fitness journey.

Schedule a complementary call with Dr. Collin or Dr. Lena to get started on your personalized health plan today!