
  • 2 cups alternative milk of choice
    • Example: Hemp, Coconut, Almond, Cashew
  • 1 ½ cups organic spinach
  • 1 tablespoon organic peanut butter with no sugar (substitute almond or cashew butter)
  • 1 tbsp ground flax seeds
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • Pinch of Celtic sea salt
  • ½ cup frozen avocado or ice cubes
  • ½ tsp stevia/monk fruit


  1. In a blender, combine milk alternative, avocado (or ice cubes), stevia/monk fruit, greens, nut butter, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and a pinch of sea salt. If using any addins, throw them in. Blend on high until the smoothie is very smooth, 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on your blender.

Pour the smoothie into a glass. Enjoy it right away, or let it sit for up to 1 hour before drinking (the smoothie will thicken as it sits!)