When grandma made chicken soup, the whole chicken went in the pot. How often do you see that anymore? The average American diet no longer includes all the organ meats and bone broths as it did back in the day, so many people are missing out on key nutrients. Bone broth is loaded with benefits from compounds like collagen, proline, glycine, and glucosamine, along with minerals like magnesium, phosphorous, sulfur, and others. It’s also a great addition to your diet when setting goals to reach optimal protein intake. That’s why we regularly recommend bone broth to patients. Here are 6 reasons we may recommend it to you.
1 – Hair and Nail Support
You notice when your hair starts falling out or your nails are brittle and peeling. Many patients come in complaining about these symptoms, but the outside reflects what is happening on the inside. We really don’t get what our bodies need, and bone broth can provide those critical components to restore hair and nails. If you want stronger, lustrous hair and nails, bone broth has the nutrients and amino acids to help you build it.
2 – Repair of Leaky Gut
The outside is a reflection of the inside; often, that outside shows signs of a leaky gut. “Leaky gut” is a hot button because it contributes to many Americans’ conditions. Stressors like food allergies, environmental toxins, pathogens, stress, and pharmaceuticals can contribute to a leaky gut. The first step is removing the stressors. Then, we can work on rebuilding the gut. How do we heal it? We provide the body with the nutrients to repair that tissue. Bone broth is a good source of collagen, and when cooked, it turns into gelatin. Gelatin can help restore the strength of the gut lining, support gut health, and aid digestion. It may also help with conditions like leaky gut syndrome.
3 – Support Healthy Bone Density
Many people associate healthy bone density with calcium, but collagen is critical for promoting bone density. Our bones demand collagen as a vital component of the bone itself. In fact, it’s estimated that 30%-40% of bone is made of collagen. Calcium is very responsive to inflammation, which makes it hard for the bone to absorb. Unlike calcium, collagen can get the job done to promote healthy bone density.
4- Liver and Detox Support
The body is bombarded with toxins daily. We can acquire them from our environment by breathing, ingesting, or coming into physical contact with them. The body can only handle so much before it becomes difficult to detoxify naturally. That’s when we provide support by going through a guided detox. The liver is the primary cleaning organ during the detox process. However, it also performs about 500 other vital bodily functions. Bone broth has amino acids like glycine that help the body to detoxify and eliminate toxins more efficiently.
5- A Better Protein Source
Many people are trying to make the right choices but are unknowingly building their morning smoothies around inflammatory ingredients. We recommend bone broth as the better protein option. Many protein powders use dairy, which can be inflammatory for some people and can wreak havoc on your gut microbiome. Another popular protein is soy, which is also inflammatory and a known endocrine disruptor. A quality bone broth is a healthier protein option.
6- Joint Repair and Post Exercise Recovery
Bone broth is a good protein for building muscle and has the necessary components for joint and disc repair. Protein is excellent for building muscle but doesn’t have the collagen and nutrients required for healing ligaments and other connective tissue. Glucosamine and Chondroitin are two compounds found in bone broth that are known to support joint health. They may reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis by reducing inflammation and promoting cartilage health. For those implementing an exercise routine or who have been working out for years, a quality bone broth will help the body benefit more from their workout.
You’ll Notice the Benefits of Quality Protein
As you supplement with bone broth and other quality protein sources more frequently, you’ll see additional benefits. Use bone broth as a base for soups and stews to add flavor and nutrients. Substitute water or stock with bone broth when cooking grains or vegetables. For a comforting and nutritious boost, drink bone broth as a warm beverage, particularly during colder months. Bone broth is a versatile and nutrient-dense addition to a balanced diet, offering a wide range of health benefits that support overall well-being. If you prefer to add a powder to a smoothie, consider getting The Wellness Way’s bone broth protein powder. The nutrients in bone broth can help the body repair and return to optimal function.